Saturday, December 16, 2006

Add a Stat Counter

We already offer a basic hit counter for your site, but you can also get a more advanced tracking counter for free at With a statcounter account, you can find out all kinds of information about your visitors and what they did while they were in your site!

You can choose an invisible counter that only you can access or a visible counter to match your site.

When you've signed up for your free account, you'll go through a few screens to get your special counter code. In this process you'll be asked a few questions. On the "Code Options" page, check "no" to "Does your website use frames?" and leave all other options unchecked.

You will be given a block of code to copy and paste into your custom text field.

In the first block of code, you'll need to remove the line breaks so it looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">var sc_project=2125708;var sc_invisible=1;var sc_partition=19;var sc_security="c450a447";</script>

You can leave the second block of code unchanged.

If you run into any snags while installing, just leave your code pasted into any of your custom text fields and send an e-mail with your BFS user login ID to

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