Saturday, December 16, 2006

Photo Management Primer

There are 2 ways to delete photos. First, you can go into the "Add Captions" section of your album, where you can see the thumbnail view. Under each image is a "delete" button that will delete the image from your album.

You can also access the "File Manager" in your site profile section. This method is a a bit tougher because it does not show thumbnails, but will allow you to delete a photo if you don't know which album it is in.

You can add photos from one album to another album in the "Add Captions" section, too. At the top of the page there is a section labeled "Add Photo" where you can select any photo you've already uploaded and add it to the album you're currently modifying.

You can delete entire albums and either delete their contents or move all photos to another album in the "Rename/Delete Album" section within the album you'd like to delete.

Neat tip: If you have a photo you'd like to use in your home page customization or on another site, but you do not want it to appear in any of your albums, here's a trick that might help:

- Upload the photo to any album

- View the photo on your web site and copy the location of the photo
* in IE, right click the photo, choose properties, and copy the contents of the "Address" field
* in Firefox, right click the image and choose "Copy Image Location"

The URL should look like this:

- Use the "Add Captions" view to delete the photo from your album.

The photo will still remain in your account, but will no longer be visible in your album. Now you can use custom HTML to add that photo to your home page or use it as a forum or e-mail signature!

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