Monday, December 18, 2006

Adding Music to your Site

You can add sound to your site with a simple line of code and a single upload!

1. Upload the sound file you'd like to use to your Audio/Video section.

2. Open the album on your web site, find the file you've uploaded, then right click on the icon and click "copy shortcut" to get the URL of your music file.

3. Replace the "URL_of_your_sound_file" in the code below with the URL you copied from your site:

<embed src="URL_of_your_sound_file" autostart="true">

The finished code will look like this:

<embed src="
yourUserID/YourBaby'sName/" autostart="true">

Paste the finished code into a custom text area and make sure you select the HTML radio box. When your visitor's load your page, they'll hear the music you've selected.

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